Student Government
Gain governmental experience
All students are members of SGA, the official organized voice of the student population. All officers and senators are students who are elected by the student body. SGA actively promotes students’ interests, organizes student activities and manages student funds. Members of the SGA and other students also act as student representatives on the following campus committees: Steering Committee, Search/Appointments, Curriculum, Academic Actions, Collegium, Athletic and Segregated University Fee Allocation Commission (SUFAC). Justin Motto is the SGA Advisor.
The SGA is also a member of UW System Student Representatives (Student Reps) which is the voice for all the students of member UW campuses in the state. Student Reps also conducts meetings and workshops throughout the year that are open to students.
Contact the Student Government Association if you would like to get a new campus group officially recognized. You can do this by talking to an SGA representative, visiting their office in Room 150 Meggers Hall, by contacting them at (715) 788-6266, or by email at BRNSTUGV@uwec.edu.
Advisor: Justin Motto
2024-25 SGA Officers and Senators
President: Lillie Gohde
Treasurer: Miao Shi
Media Relations Director: Nevaeh Krchnavy
Sophomore Senators
- Bella Bixby
Freshman Senators
- Josh Weatherhead
- Cate Quarders