Commons Cafe
Visit today
Commons Cafe is your source for assistance with textbook ordering, textbook returns, art supplies, office supplies, UWEC-Barron County gear and gifts. We also offer coffee and other beverages, pastries, and snacks. Commons Cafe is located in the Meggers Hall Commons.
Textbook ordering process
In person
Pick up your textbooks in person at the UWEC University Bookstore in Eau Claire. You will need your Blugold ID to check out textbooks.
University Bookstore
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
77 Roosevelt Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701-5218
Find current bookstore hours here
Order Online from the UWEC University Bookstore.
*It is important that you remember to put your Blugold ID number in the special instructions box after choosing your shipping method*
You must be enrolled in classes prior to ordering rental textbooks.
UWX Textbooks
UWX Textbook are ordered on the UW Extended Campus Bookstore Website
If you have questions, please contact:
University bookstore in Eau Claire or Commons Cafe
715-836-2171 715-788-6207
Textbook Rental Returns
In Person/Drop off
During business hours in person at the Commons Cafe by the last day of finals for Fall and Spring Semester Only.
Winterim and Summer textbooks must be dropped off or mailed back to the UWEC Bookstore in Eau Claire.
After hours books can be placed in the textbook dropbox located on the Commons Cafe door. Meggers Hall is open until 4:30pm Monday-Friday. Please do not place books in the library drop box. After hours textbooks need to be dropped off by the last day of finals.Commons Cafe
1800 College Drive
Rice Lake, WI 54822
Find current bookstore hours here
Mailed back to the UWEC University Bookstore
Textbooks can be mailed back to the UWEC University Bookstore in Eau Claire via UPS. Please do not use USPS as shipments are not delivered directly to the University Bookstore and receipts are delayed. If books are not received on time it can result in late fees.
UWX Textbooks
UWX Textbooks are mailed back to the UW-Extension Bookstore. Find more information here
University Bookstore
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
77 Roosevelt Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701-5218
Find current bookstore hours here
Commons Cafe is located in the Meggers Hall Commons.
Commons Cafe
1800 College Drive
Rice Lake, WI 54868
Laura Holden
University Bookstore
Find current bookstore hours here.
Davies Student Center 130
77 Roosevelt Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Commons Cafe Hours
Monday - 8 am to 2:30 pm
Tuesday - 8 am to 2:30 pm
Wednesday - 8 am to 2:30 pm
Thursday - 8 am to 2:30 pm
Friday - 8 am to 2:30 pm