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Join an organization

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire – Barron County recognizes that co-curricular activities (involvement in clubs and organizations) are an important part of the overall educational experience. Skills and experiences obtained through membership in student organizations serve as a valuable supplement to the formal curriculum. You will be able to develop personal, social, and leadership skills and try out new experiences. The organizations can also assist you in classes, help build your resume, and allow you to meet new friends.


Advisors: Abbey Fischer

Chess Club

Advisors: Feroz Siddique

CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)

CRU provides regular opportunities to study and discuss the Bible, worship, and pray. The group also provides fellowship, encouragement, and spiritual development among believers. They strive to discuss spiritual matters and provide outside speakers, videos, and articles for consideration.

Advisor: Asher Heer

Communiversity Band

The Communiversity Band, comprised of both students and area musicians, gives students the opportunity for a superb musical experience playing great band music in an enjoyable atmosphere. The band rehearses on Monday evenings and performs a sold-out concert each semester. This ensemble is open to any student with instrumental music experience. Students can earn up to two credits for their participation in the Communiversity Band.

Director: Mike Joosten

Drama Club

The drama department’s productions include a variety of theatrical presentations. All students are encouraged to audition for roles and/or work on the technical aspects of campus productions. Prior experience in theatre is not necessary. 

Director: Matthew Coel

Culture Club

The Culture Club supports international students at UWEC-BC and encourages the sharing of culture. Anyone and everyone are welcome to join! Visit us on Facebook.

Advisors: Breann DeVillers

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society

This organization recognizes academic excellence and provides opportunities for service, scholarship, and fellowship. PTK currently provides such services as peer tutoring and sponsors forums on topics of academic and public concern. The academic prerequisite for joining PTK is a GPA of 3.25 or higher after completion of 12 credit hours. For more information, visit PTK International or visit us on Facebook.

The Red Cedar Choir

The Red Cedar Choir, a joint effort of the Music Department and surrounding communities, gives students the opportunity to be part of one of the best choirs the area has to offer. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Music Room. The choir performs to sold-out houses in Rice Lake throughout the year, and is the cornerstone of the Christmas Festival. The choir is open to all students and community members. Students can earn university credit for participating in the choir.

Director: Beth Joosten

Student Government Association (SGA)

Advisor: Justin Motto

Undergraduate Mathematical Research & its Application Club

The main purpose of this club is to improve the undergraduate mathematics learning and research experience at UW-Eau Claire – Barron County. We will invite club members(students) to participate in various undergraduate mathematical activities, ’Mathematical Modeling Contest’ (MCM), ’Student Research League’ (SRL), ’Innovative Minds Partnering to Advance Curative Therapies’( IMPACT), etc. over the year. The undergraduate mathematics research and its application experience will not only helps students acquire more math knowledge, but also help them put that knowledge in practice.'

Advisor: Wufeng Tian

Start a New Club or Organization

Contact the Student Government Association if you would like to get a new campus group officially recognized. You can do this by talking to an SGA representative, visiting their office in Meggers Hall room 151, by contacting them at 715-788-6266 or by email at

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